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Income and expenses

Notes to the financial statements
9.1 Expenses by nature   
Depreciation and amortisation8844.31067.9
Raw materials and consumables used (1)16933.114469.8
Taxes and charges506.7456.8
Employee benefits expense9.2736.2689
Other expenses by nature254.4247.7
Merchandise and materials sold1386.1859.9
Total expenses by nature22188.619295
Change in products and adjustments to cost of sales-292.2-362.3
Cost of sales20194.117215.7
Distribution costs1252.31291.1
Administrative expenses450425.9
(1) Including PLN 4.8m of foreign exchange losses related to operating activities, recognised as cost of sales (2016: PLN 2.7m of foreign exchange gains), see Note 26.2.
9.2 Employee benefits expense   
Current salaries and wages560.7526.1
Social security and other employee benefits166.2157.4
Length-of-service awards, retirement and other post-employment benefits24.29.35.5
Total employee benefits expense9.1736.2689
Change in products and adjustments to cost of sales-3.1-2.4
Cost of sales439414.9
Distribution costs33.332.2
Administrative expenses260.8239.5
9.3 Other income   
Gain on disposal of non-financial non-current assets and certificates of origin for electricity from cogeneration-13.2
- remeasurement of provision for costs of decommissioning of the offshore oil and gas extraction facilities in the Heimdal field13,140.9
- remeasurement of provision for costs of decommissioning of the offshore oil and gas extraction facilities in the B-3 field3,18.3
- remeasurement of provision for contingent payments − Sleipner assets acquisition agreement0.327.7
- revaluation of estimated provision for future cost of removal of MOPU from the YME field--8.9
- provision for deficit in CO2 emission allowances27.2-4.6-8.7
- other provisions12.70.3
Reimbursed excise duty 1.63.7
The Group offsets similar transaction items in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, Sections 34 and 35. The Group discloses material items of income and expenses charged to profit or loss separately, as presented in the table above.
9.4 Other expenses     
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets:83.6156.4
Impairment losses85.8170.5
· oil and gas exploration and evaluation assets:
- Poland: Kamień Pomorski area23,7-
- Poland: the Gaz Południe licence area, including the B-21 field-64.8
- Norway: PL797 licence-5.8
- Norway: Utgard field assets-67.6
· oil and gas production assets: Lithuania: Girkalai, Auksoras, Vėžaičiai, Kretinga, Ablinga and Ližai fields13.2.232.912.4
· refinery and other non-current assets:29.219.9
- service stations13.
- ships0.85.3
- other assets2.21.5
Reversal of impairment losses:-2.2-14.1
·oil and gas production assets:13.2.2--11.9
- Norway: Heimdal production assets--4.4
- Lithuania: Girkalai field--7.5
· refinery and other non-current assets:-2.2-2.2
- service stations-1.9-2
- other assets-0.3-0.2
Gain on disposal of non-financial non-current assets0.9-
Loss on discontinued projects 0.712.7
- Norway: PL643, PL655 exploration licences13.2.1-12.3
- Poland: Słupsk area13.2.1-0.1
- other assets0.70.3
Impairment losses on receivables:15.121.6
- impairment losses5.53.5
- reversal of impairment losses-3.5-1.9
Fines and compensation81.2
Damage to property arising in ordinary course of business1.62.1
Costs relating to the Polish National Foundation-29
Charitable donations7.35.3
VAT expense29.1-39.4
The Group offsets similar transaction items in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, Sections 34 and 35. The Group discloses material items of income and expenses charged to profit or loss separately, as presented in the table above.
9.5 Finance income   
- on deposits26.214.311.9
- on trade receivables26.22.62.3
- other3.91.2
Exchange differences:107.97.8
- on bank borrowings26.2180.7-73.5
- on translation of intercompany loans (1)26.2-99.264.7
- on realised foreign-currency transactions in bank accounts26.235.512.2
- on intercompany notes (1)26.2-615.2
- on deposits and other cash26.2-7.1-11.3
- other40.5
Revaluation of financial assets:314.1-
- measurement of derivative financial instruments26.2196.7-
- settlement of derivative financial instruments26.2117.4-
(1) In accordance with IAS 21 Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, foreign exchange gains and losses on intercompany foreign currency transactions are recognised in the Group’s net profit or loss.
9.6 Finance costs   
- on bank borrowings26.2114.2150.4
- on non-bank borrowings26.23.54
- on notes26.215.64.2
- on finance lease liabilities26.218.420.8
- discount related to provisions for oil production facilities and for site restoration, and other provisions25.143.149.1
- cost of discount on employee benefit obligations24.1;
- on liabilities to the state budget29.11.76.3
- other1.51.2
Revaluation of financial assets, including:-33.5
- measurement of derivative financial instruments26.2-206.6
- settlement of derivative financial instruments26.2--173.1
Bank fees1819.2
Bank guarantees0.15.7
The Group offsets similar transaction items in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, Sections 34 and 35. The Group discloses material items of income and expenses charged to profit or loss separately, as presented in the table above.
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