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Contingent liabilities and assets

Notes to the financial statements
30.1 Transactions with related entities in which the Group holds equity interests   
Equity-accounted joint ventures20172016
Sales 431,4209,9
NoteDecember 31st 2017December 31st 2016
Receivables 1534,516,1
Liabilities -0,2
30.2.1 Transactions with related entities of which the State Treasury has control or joint control or on which the State Treasury has significant influence  
Sales 394370.1
Purchases 1587.51237.6
December 31st 2017December 31st 2016
Receivables 82.928.9
Liabilities 263.4173
30.3 Remuneration of members of the Management and Supervisory Boards, along with information on loans and other similar benefits granted to members of the management and supervisory staff  
Remuneration paid to members of the Company’s Management and Supervisory Boards20172016
Management Board
Short-term employee benefits (salaries)2.61.5
Management Board – subsidiaries (1)
Short-term employee benefits (salaries)0.33
Supervisory Board
Short-term employee benefits (salaries)0.60.3
Total (2)3.54.8
Other employee benefitsDecember 31st 2017December 31st 2016
Management Board
Post-employment benefits, length-of-service awards and other benefits-0.3
Current liabilities under annual bonus (3)1.40.1
(1) Remuneration paid to members of the Company’s Management Board for serving on corporate bodies of direct and indirect subsidiaries.

(2) The amount reflects changes in the composition of the Company’s Management and Supervisory Boards.

(3) Pursuant to the Act on Rules of Remunerating Persons Who Manage Certain Companies.

30.4 Remuneration paid or payable to other members of key management staff    
Remuneration paid to members of key management staff (other than members of the Grupa LOTOS Management Board)20172016
Short-term employee benefits (salaries), including:4633.7
- annual bonus paid7.1-17.4-2
- length-of-service award paid0.50.6
Other employee benefitsDecember 31st 2017December 31st 2016
Post-employment benefits, length-of-service awards and other benefits1111.5
Current liabilities under annual bonus10.59
(1) Remuneration paid in 2017 on account of annual bonus for 2016.

(2) Remuneration paid in 2016 on account of annual bonus for 2015.

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