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Financial instruments

Notes to the financial statements
26.1 Carrying amount       
Classes of financial instrumentsNoteFinancial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - held for tradingLoans and receivablesFinancial assets available for sale(1)Financial liabilities at amortised costTotal
December 31st 2017
Financial assets
Derivative financial instruments23164.5---164.5
Trade receivables15-2677--2677
Cash and cash equivalents17-1920.7--1920.7
Other financial assets15-449.89.8-459.6
Financial liabilities
Borrowings, other debt instruments and finance lease liabilities 22---4425.94425.9
Derivative financial instruments2379.4---79.4
Trade payables 25---2201.72201.7
Other financial liabilities25---222222
December 31st 2016
Financial assets
Derivative financial instruments23100.9---100.9
Trade receivables15-2.251,7--2.251,7
Cash and cash equivalents17-744.6--744.6
Other financial assets15-615.19.8-624.9
Financial liabilities
Borrowings, other debt instruments and finance lease liabilities 22---5.557,25.557,2
Derivative financial instruments23209.2---209.2
Trade payables 25---1.718,21.718,2
Other financial liabilities25---246.8246.8
(1) As at December 31st 2017 and December 31st 2016, the Group held shares in other entities measured at historical cost less impairment.

26.2 Material items of income, expenses, gains and losses disclosed in the statement of comprehensive income by category of financial instrument      
Classes of financial instrumentsFinancial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - held for tradingLoans and receivablesFinancial assets available for saleFinancial liabilities at amortised costTotal
Trade receivables:
Interest income9.5-2.6--2.6
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses recognised in cost of sales9.1--24.1---24.1
Other financial assets:
Income from interest on deposits9.5-14.3--14.3
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) on deposits and other cash and on non-bank borrowings and notes recognised in finance income 9.5--209.9---209.9
Derivative financial instruments (financial assets/liabilities):
Gains/(losses) on fair value measurement of derivative financial instruments9.5196.7---196.7
Gains/(losses) on realisation of derivative financial instruments9.5117.4---117.4
Borrowings, other debt instruments and finance lease liabilities:
Interest expense9.6----151.7-151.7
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge accounting charged against revenue8----150.5-150.5
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) on bank borrowings, non-bank borrowings, notes, and realised foreign-currency transactions in bank accounts recognised in finance income9.5---313.8313.8
Gains/(losses) on measurement of cash flow hedges recognised in other comprehensive income20---725.4725.4
Trade and other payables:
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses recognised in cost of sales9.1---19.319.3
Classes of financial instrumentsFinancial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - held for tradingLoans and receivablesFinancial assets available for saleFinancial liabilities at amortised costTotal
Trade receivables:
Interest income9.5-2.3--2.3
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses recognised in cost of sales9.1-20.4--20.4
Other financial assets:
Income from interest on deposits9.5-11.9--11.9
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) on deposits and other cash 9.5-25.6--25.6
and on non-bank borrowings and notes recognised in finance income
Derivative financial instruments (financial assets/liabilities):
Gains/(losses) on fair value measurement of derivative financial instruments9.6-206.6----206.6
Gains/(losses) on realisation of derivative financial instruments9.6173.1---173.1
Borrowings, other debt instruments and finance lease liabilities:
Interest expense9.6----179.4-179.4
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge accounting charged against revenue8----111.7-111.7
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) on bank borrowings, non-bank borrowings, notes, and realised foreign-currency transactions in bank accounts recognised in finance income9.5----18.3-18.3
Gains/(losses) on measurement of cash flow hedges recognised in other comprehensive income20----138.2-138.2
Trade and other payables:
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses recognised in cost of sales9.1----17.7-17.7
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