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Human capital

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Summary of year 2017

The essence of our business, the reason why we strive for continuous development as well as for raising our standards and the largest capital are people – both our employees and all other stakeholders, who are our constant source of inspiration and innovative ideas and whose safety, health and satisfaction are our key priorities.

LOTOS as an employer

We are an important employer

We are one of the key employers in Pomerania. Altogether, in Poland, Lithuania and Norway we hire 4,897 employees in our companies.

Total number of employees (equivalent of full-time jobs) divided by gender: Number of employees 
2016 2017
Female 1116 1114
Male 3740 3755
Total 4856 4869
Total number of employees (in persons) divided by posts: Number of employees 
2016 2017
blue-collar 2346 2337
white-collar 2542 2560
Total 4888 4897
Total number of employees (in persons) divided by working hours: Number of employees Number of employees 
2016 2017
Female Male Total Female Male Total
Full-time 1108 3720 4828 1102 3740 4842
Part-time 11 49 60 16 39 55
Total 1119 3769 4888 1118 3779 4897
Total number of employees (in persons) divided by employment period: Number of employees Number of employees 
2016 2017
Female Male Total Female Male Total
temporary staff 229 606 835 167 340 507
permanent 890 3163 4053 951 3439 4390
Total 1119 3769 4888 1118 3779 4897
Total number of employees (in persons) divided by: Number of employees 
Female Male Total
Mandate contract 35 38 73
Specific task contract 0 2 2
Internship contract 1 2 3
Self-employed (B2B) 2 30 32
Under supervision and/or seasonal 4 22 26
Total 42 94 136
Total number of new employees (in persons) divided by gender: Number of employees Number of new employees Share of new employees in the total number of employees divided by gender Share of new employees divided by gender in the total number of new employees
2017 2017 2017 2017
Female 1118 114 10,19% 20,99%
Male 3779 429 11,35% 79,01%
Total 4897 543
Total number of new employees (in persons) divided by age: Number of employees Number of new employees in every age group Share of new employees in the total number of employees divided by age Share of new employees divided by age in the total number of new employees
2017 2017 2017 2017
<30 457 129 28,22% 23,76%
30–50 3051 255 8,35% 46,96%
>50 1389 159 11,44% 29,28%
Total 4897 543
Total number of discharges (in persons) divided by: Number of employees Number of discharges Number of employee discharges in total number of employees divided by gender Number of discharges divided by gender in the total number of discharges
2017 2017 2017 2017
Female 1118 109 9,74% 20,60%
Male 3779 420 11,11% 79,39%
Total 4897 529

We maintain high standards

We are constantly improving standards of human capital management as well as our HR tools. Over the last years: we have implemented an e-recruitment system, improved the Periodic Employee Evaluation System (PEES) by developing a common Competence Model and related Position Maps in all companies of the LOTOS Group, joined the Coalition for Friendly Recruitment and became a Strategic Member of the Polish Human Resources Management Association.

Our efforts in the field of HR are constantly appreciated. We are perceived as a reliable and valued employer, what is confirmed by numerous awards and distinctions.

HR of the Highest Quality

The LOTOS Group was included in the group of 45 organizations which in 2017 received the certificate ‘Top-Quality Human Resources’, awarded by the Polish Human Resources Management Association. It is received by companies with the highest standards of human capital management, evaluated in an objective study.

The Most Desired Employer

Last year, for the fifth time, we were awarded the Most Desired Employer’ distinction, taking fourth place in the ‘Fuels, Energy, Mineral Production and Chemicals’ category. These awards are granted on the basis of the research carried out by the international consulting company Antal.

Pracodawca Przyjazny Pracownikom

LOTOS Terminale in Czechowice-Dziedzice was included in the group of 27 winners of the 10th edition of the ‘Employee-Friendly Firm’ competition. The competition, organized by NSZZ Solidarność under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, is unique in such a way that the employers are nominated by the employees themselves. The purpose of the competition is to promote employers standing out for their application of best practices in terms of compliance with labour laws through stable employment, adherence to OHS regulations, and respecting the right to form and join trade unions.

Everyone has equal chances

In the LOTOS Group, all employees as well as persons applying for employment can count on equal employment opportunities, promotion, development and professional development. Our code of ethics safeguards the fair treatment of all people, regardless of their position, seniority, affiliation, age, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, religion or political orientation.

More information HERE

In addition, in our relations with all the stakeholders, both internal and external, we comply with the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, in the field of human rights, labour rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

The proper relations between employees and management are supported by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (ZUZP) and our internal procedures governing the HR management.

Employment in the management posts in Grupa LOTOS S.A., divided by age and gender

Female Male
Management Board 0 3
Supervisory Board 3 4
Younger than 30 30–50 Older than 50
Management Board 0 3 0
Supervisory Board 0 6 1

We recruit in a friendly way

We know how stressful the recruitment process is for the candidates and how many factors can affect the recruiter’s assessment of a candidate. Therefore, we have implemented appropriate regulations at the LOTOS Group, so that the recruitment is conducted in a reliable and objective manner, and the process itself is enjoyable.

In our company there is an e-recruitment system, the list of desired employees is available to the public, and all the interested parties can apply for vacancies through our website. We are a member of the Coalition for Friendly Recruitment, established in June 2013, promoting good practices and high standards, and as a member of the Coalition we adhere to the Code of Good Recruitment Practices, which applies, among others, to such issues as communication with the candidate, involvement in the relationship with the candidate, clear formulation of job offers or respect for candidates.

We have also introduced guides for those responsible for coordinating recruitment processes ‘Employee Recruitment and Selection Standards at the LOTOS Group’, and we systematically analyze the reasons for the departure of our employees in order to eliminate these reasons. Our efforts in this area do not remain unnoticed – since 2014 we have been proud of the ‘Friendly Recruitment Zone’ certificate.

In the LOTOS Group, we pay particular importance to internal recruitment, which makes the optimal use of our employees’ competences possible, as well as providing them with broad development opportunities. Since 2016, there is sub-page ‘Internal recruitment at the LOTOS Group’ (designed for the LOTOS Group’s personnel).  

We objectively evaluate our employees (evaluation)

In our company, there is a joint system of Periodic Employee Evaluation System (PEES), common for the entire corporate group, thanks to which we can easily and reliably compare the results and competences of individual employees, as well as analyze emerging trends.

In 2017, we evaluated 89% of the female employees (978 people) and 96% of the male employees (3,528 people) of the LOTOS Group. The subject to the evaluation were the employees employed in 15 companies of the group. The PEES rating is carried out once a year, in most of our companies it starts on 1 July and lasts until the end of August.

PEES is a useful tool not only for the HR department and human resources management, but above all provides support for the employees themselves, helping them in planning their professional development, managing their time and competences, and motivating them to improve their own work.

This tool is also particularly useful in monitoring the key competencies in force at the LOTOS Group: cooperation, commitment and openness to changes.

PEES assessment benefits for employees:

  • receiving feedback on the results of work,
  • getting to know the exact needs and expectations of their superiors,
  • better knowledge of the goals and tasks assigned for the next period,
  • tips and tools to improve the effects of their own work,
  • an opportunity to exchange views and opinions on work itself,
  • identification of development needs.

Benefits for organizations resulting from the use of PEES:

  • getting information, which competences in the organization are at the highest level and which shall be improved,
  • versatility of the tool gives the possibility to compare employees from different companies and select the ones rated the highest,
  • source of information on the training and education needs of employees,
  • opportunity to get to know employees’ opinions about the workplace and management style, as well as their other needs and expectations.

Trainings and education in LOTOS Group

Caring for talents is the strategic goal of the LOTOS Group in years 2017-2022. Providing our employees with the conditions for development and improvement of qualifications not only translates into the competitiveness of our company, but also increases their job satisfaction and gives them a sense of stability.

Last year, our employees spent 114,210 hours on various types of training sessions, almost 23.4 hours of training for each employee (25.2 hours for men and 17.1 for women). The employees occupying managerial positions spent almost 22 hours on training, while employees employed at lower levels – almost 24 hours.

Total number of employees in LOTOS Group Total number of training hours Average number of training hours per employee
4884 114 210 23,38
Females employed in LOTOS Group
Total number of females employed in LOTOS Group Total number of training hours completed by females Average number of training hours per female
1116 19 089 17,10
Males employed in LOTOS Group
Total number of males employed in LOTOS Group Total number of training hours per male Average number of training hours per male
3768 95 121,34 25,24451699
Employees holding managerial positions
The total number of employees holding managerial positions Total number of training hours per person holding managerial positions Average number of training hours per managerial positions
932 20 468 21,96
Other employees (at lower positions)
Total number of managers The total number of training hours for lower-level employees Average number of training hours for lower-level employees
3922 93 738 23,90

All our employees, regardless of age and time remaining to retire, have the opportunity to participate in trainings broadening their knowledge and professional qualifications as well as general development skills. What is more, we eagerly use the knowledge and experience of 50+ employees and involve them in activities aimed at development of new employees. The team for operational training, consisting mainly of experienced employees aged 50+, was appointed in the Chief Refining Officer. The team shares with younger employees its extensive technical and technological knowledge gained during many years of work on refinery installations.

In addition to mentoring from mature colleagues, newly hired employees might take advantage of the ‘Good Start for Beginners’ adaptive program that helps them learn about the culture and practices at the LOTOS Group, thereby making the process of adapting to a new workplace more efficient and reducing possible stress.

Young employees especially appreciate the e-learning training formula, recently promoted by us, which gives them much flexibility.

We are also constantly improving the activities of LOTOS Academy, our original training and development project, that increases competences and conscious involvement in creating added value by our employees. As part of the LOTOS Academy last year, we implemented, among others, the following talent programmes:

  • Leader of the Future Programme;
  • Master Programme;
  • Manager’s Academy;
  • Management Skills Development Programme for Technical Personnel;
  • The LOTOS Group Succession Programme.

The activities of the LOTOS Academy, that have been implemented in our company for years, have contributed to the development of a culture of sharing knowledge.

The rules applicable to the implementation of projects within the LOTOS Academy:

  • availability: training opportunities are offered to all employee groups;
  • coherence: the training system takes into account the mission, the strategy and the long-term development plans of the company and is also related to other areas of human resources management;
  • responsibility: all participants are responsible for training results and development;
  • continuity: development planning is a continuous process, related to the results of periodic evaluations, career paths, succession plans and development programs for individual groups of employees;
  • flexibility: planning and implementing of trainings is related to monitoring of the evolving external environment of the company and the desired changes in the qualifications of employees.

A healthy mind in a healthy body!

Being aware of the importance of physical activity both for the health and for the quality of life of our employees, we encourage them to take part in various types of events and sport/recreation events, organized as part of the LOTOS Society for Propagation of Physical Culture. There are various sports sections in the Society, including basketball, volleyball, swimming, football, chess and tennis. LOTOS Running Team is also very popular. The section consists of over 60 people who train and take part in running competitions.

Safety at work as a value itself

We strive to ensure the highest safety standards for our employees and all those visiting our facilities and expect the same from all the people who work and cooperate with us.

In the case of disregarding these rules and non-observance of the requirements in the area of occupational safety, we apply the ‘zero tolerance’ principle. A high safety culture is our strategic goal for 2017-2022. Health and safety goals are also regulated by the Policy of the Integrated Management System.

In 2017, we continued establishing uniform standards and strengthening the safety culture in the companies of our Group. We strive to achieve the level of the LTIF accident rate (number of work-related accidents per one million man-hours worked by the company’s employees) below the average for European refineries, both using our own ideas for improving safety and drawing global solutions in the field of work safety and process-technical safety.

As a result, last year no serious accident in our company occurred. In 2017, only individual accidents occurred, in which 35 men and 3 women were injured.

Examples of strategic indicators to achieve and monitor the level of occupational safety at the LOTOS Group

Occupational safety indicator Monitoring method Goal in years 2018-2019
LTIF rate of accidents number of accidents at work and accidents treated as equal to accidents at work, per one million man-hours worked by all the employees of the company, determined for a year < 3.0
Timely implementation of mandatory health and safety trainings % of employees with current periodic health and safety trainings 100%
Number of dangerous situations reported by employees % of employees’ reports in relation to the general state of employment in the company 5%
Accident rate number of accidents considered as individual, heavy, collective and fatal accidents and as accidents treated as equal to accidents at work
Timely implementation of post-audit recommendations (%) % share of timely implementation of post-control recommendations in a given period
Self-monitoring of occupational health and safety by managers (%)
% degree of OHS self-control by managers in a given period
Research of the safety culture among the employees (%) % share of employees who took part in the survey (attendance)
Health and safety leadership of top management (visits) number of visits carried out within a given period.

[visits of the top management (members of the management board) within the company, review of the health and safety conditions at work in the areas under management, direct meetings with employees and conducting interviews motivating adhering to health and safety rules]

Implementation of safety walks in the operational area (production, technology or convergent depending on the organizational scheme of the LOTOS Group) health and safety inspections in the managed area (head in the area of production/technology/convergent once per month with the company’s representative/OHS service)
Implementation of safety walks in the inoperable area (other than production and technology or convergent depending on the organizational scheme of the LOTOS Group) health and safety inspections in the managed area (head of the non-production unit – once per 3 months independently, based on a check list)

Accidents at the LOTOS Group * in 2017

Female Male
Total number of accidents (incidents) at work 3 35
Number of fatal accidents (incidents) 0 0
Number of heavy accidents (incidents) 0 0
Number of light accidents (incidents) 3 35
Total number of injured persons in accidents 38
Number of accidents by cause (i.e. road, air transport, construction activities, etc.) 2017
Cause: Number of accidents
Walking around 18
Operation of machines and devices 8
Driving or using means of transport 1
Transshipment, storage, transport works 4
Repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment 5
Other 2

* Data comes from companies: Grupa LOTOS S.A., LOTOS Paliwa Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Kolej Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Oil Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Lab Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Serwis Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Straż Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Ochrona Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Infrastruktura S.A., RC Ekoenergia Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Terminale S.A., LOTOS Biopaliwa sp. z o.o., LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A.

Security indicators for Grupa LOTOS S.A. in 2017

Frequency rate of accidents (IR, calculated as the total number of people injured in accidents / employment x 1000) 2017
Female Male Total
0 10,13 6,92
Total number of days of incapacity for work resulting from accidents at work (LDR, calculated as an indicator of the total number of lost days to the number of scheduled employees’ working hours in the reporting period*200,000) 2017
Female Male Total
0 23,17 15,6
Accident severity rate (counted as the number of days of incapacity for work due to accidents / number of accidents) 2017
Female Male Total
0 21 21

Occupational safety is one of the main pillars of our development strategy. Last year, as a part of the strategic goals implementation in the area of ​​occupational safety, we implemented, among others, the following initiatives:

Strategic indicators of occupational safety

As a result of the establishment and sanctioning of the importance of occupational safety in the Strategy of Grupa LOTOS S.A. for 2017-2022, work safety indicators have been developed and will be monitored in the future.
They have been developed and adapted in relation to the analysis of the current situation and accident trends in individual companies of the LOTOS Group.

Occupational safety golden rules of a LOTOS Group employee

In July 2017, the Occupational safety golden rules of a LOTOS Group employee came into force. They comprise of a set of rules and attitudes recognized by the Management Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. as crucial in the area of ​​safety and health. They are based on the applicable laws and internal regulations. They were established on the basis of identified hazards, occupational hazards, accident and hazardous situation analyses that occurred in the LOTOS Group in the last decade. The goal is to build a high level of occupational safety culture, shape appropriate attitudes, reduce the risk of accidents and dangerous situations threatening the health and life of employees.


– I work safely
– I react to threats
– I move safely
– I drive carefully
– I care about order
– I use protective measures
– I use only efficient tools
– I care about my health

Maintenance shutdowns ‘Spring 2017’

In April, in accordance with the planned schedule, the biggest maintenance shutdown in the history of the Grupa LOTOS S.A. was finished. Typical maintenance works were connected with cleaning, inspections and repair of apparatus, pipelines and devices, as well as replacement of some of them with new ones. An important task of the maintenance shutdown was to connect the EFRA Project units with the refinery units. About 1,100 apparatuses were renovated – including about 500 pieces of heat exchangers and tanks, reactors, furnaces, columns and over 1,500 pipelines and over 3,000 fittings and automation components. During the maintenance shutdown, about one million man-hours were worked.


Health and Safety Days took place on October 25-26, 2017 at the premises of the Old Central Control Room and the administrative CA2 building. Thanks to such solution, both production and administrative employees were able to enjoy all the prepared attractions. The prepared Health and Safety Days programme was associated with many activities promoting safe attitudes and behaviors related to the application of the Occupational Safety Golden Rules of a LOTOS Group employee.

Agreement with the Main School of Fire Service

In November 2017, an agreement was signed to extend the existing cooperation between Grupa LOTOS S.A. and LOTOS Straż and the Main School of Fire Service [SGSP]. SGSP students have the opportunity to complete apprenticeships at the headquarters of LOTOS Straż and can count on help in preparing diploma theses. Together, we also carry out exercises, workshops and conferences and scientific symposia.

Training of the Management Board and Management of the LOTOS Group in the area of ​​responsibility for occupational safety

In 2017, a series of trainings was organized for the management staff
of the Grupa LOTOS S.A. and the Management Board of LOTOS Group in the scope of ​​responsibility for occupational safety. The goal of the training was to raise the management’s awareness of the legal requirements that directly affect the managers of employees. Occupational safety is a topic for us all, every employee, not just OHS service. The key role in building a safety culture is played by the managers of employees who bear special obligations and responsibilities. We want the security culture, just like it is at many of our western competitors, to be part of the professional DNA of every employee – said Jarosław Kawula, Vice-President of the Management Board of LOTOS Group, Production & Sales Officer

During the training, issues such as:

  • duties and responsibilities of the manager in scope of legal provisions,
  • key elements of the OHS management system,
  • the role of the manager / leader in the OHS management system,
  • OHS management through occupational risk.

Employee involvement and motivation system in occupational safety

Providing a system of motivation and involvement of employees at all levels in the scope of ​​occupational safety is an element of building an occupational safety culture in accordance with the implementation Strategy of Grupa LOTOS S.A. and the Policy of the Integrated Management System.

As part of it the following solutions, among others, were implemented:

  • self-control of health and safety status as a tool for managers of organizational units, in order to confirm their performance in the area of ​​health and safety,
  • reviews of health and safety at work performed systematically by the management, where the leader is obliged to set an example to other employees with his attitude,
  • a minute for security (description below).

As part of employee motivation:

  • health and safety goals are set in the Periodic Employee Evaluation System (PEES) and the Quarterly Motivational Prize (KNM),
  • employees are distinguished for reported dangerous situations and reported actions improving working conditions,
  • the safest production plant in a given year is distinguished as well.

Minute for security

Safety first – that is, ‘safety first and foremost’ is a slogan used daily by many companies in different circumstances. In practice, this means adhering to security values ​​as crucial in the organization, both in actions and in making important decisions.
Every employee should also adhere both by his attitude and behavior to the safety principles as a priority in his daily work.

One of the example actions to underline that security values ​​are treated in the organization as priorities is the so-called ‘Minute for security’, that is, starting various types of meetings / trainings / severance payments from the health and safety topic. The responsibility of the manager / employee organizing the internal / external meeting, during which the presentation will be presented (for instance in the MS Power Point), is to include at the beginning of the meeting a presentation and discussion about the ‘minute for security’ topic.
Examples of topics that can be addressed during the ‘minute for security’ include:

  • the benefits of reporting dangerous situations,
  • how to safely use specialist equipment / devices in the company,
  • discussing an accident at work of a colleague, a person outside of work, at home, etc. (taking into account the protection of personal data),
  • dangerous behavior on the road while traveling to work (car, bicycle, etc.),
  • a potentially accidental event outside work,
  • work permit/LOTO system,
  • principles of taking care of health, proper nutrition,
  • principles of maintaining the balance between work and personal life, so-called work-life balance.

Health and safety survey for white-collar employees

As part of the activities aimed at improving the working conditions of people employed at office and administration positions, an OHS survey addressed to the interested parties was carried out. Every office employee of Grupa LOTOS S.A. had a chance to express his or her opinion on the health and safety conditions at the workplace. The results of the questionnaire allowed us to see aspects, which OHS services the managers and office shall pay special attention to.
The next step will be to start reviews of office positions in scope of health and safety requirements for rooms and office work, with particular emphasis on the problems reported in the surveys.

Skin protection program

At Grupa LOTOS S.A., a skin protection plan for employees was introduced, mainly for those working in production, which consists of three stages, each with a different task:

  • skin protection – using skin protection measures before starting work, that shall protect the employee in the event of contact with various substances present in the workplace, that could dry and irritate the skin
  • skin cleansing – the use of agents intended to remove impurities off the skin after work. Washing shall remove dirt and harmful substances from hands, so that the skin stays clean
  • skin care and regeneration – usage of skin care lotions after washing hands helps to regenerate the skin, prevents drying out of the skin, helps the skin restore the water-fat balance and accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis.

Properly used lotions and soaps keep the skin in good condition, what positively affects the aesthetic appearance of the hand, and reduces the risk of skin diseases.
Application of the above-mentioned skin protection measures does not exempt employees from using personal protective equipment, i.e. protective gloves.

We also received awards and distinctions in the area of ​​security:

Grupa LOTOS S.A. as the leader in technical security

Last year we received a special prize in the 2016 Technical Safety Leader ranking. We were awarded in the ‘innovation’ category because of our innovative approach to the analysis of the operation of technical devices risk. The competition is organized by the Office of Technical Inspection, under the patronage of the Ministry of Development.

The safest manufacturing plant and the safest company in the LOTOS Group

In 2017, the winners of the competition for the safest production plant and the safest company of the LOTOS Group for the previous year were selected.
The Zakład Nalewu Cystern and the LOTOS Asfalt won the contest. The selection of winners takes place after a thorough assessment based on individual, properly scored criteria. Such criteria are statistical indicators, such as, for example, the LTIF index, illustrating the number of work-related accidents per one million man-hours worked by employees of the company, but also elements related to the involvement of the crew, including primarily the management.

Our clients

Safe LOTOS clients

The care for the health and safety of customers is especially important to us. For years we have been making every effort to ensure that the products we offer are safe at use and disposal stage. We also take care of safe transport and distribution, and regularly train our employees in the field of transport of hazardous goods.

LOTOS Lab has been operating in our Group for fifteen years, that thoroughly examines the semi-finished products, products, components and additives used in the production of fuels, oils and bitumens, as well as water for the production of energy utilities and wastewater.

All the products manufactured by us have Product Information or Safety Data Sheets attached, containing information such as the effect of the product on health and the environment, the presence of hazardous ingredients – chemical substances and preparations, handling in the event of fire and release of the product to the environment and handling of waste.
Information on the safe use of our products is available both at the point of sale and on the Internet.

All categories of products and services of the LOTOS Group are subject to health and safety impact assessment. First of all, it concerns: 

  • lubricating oils and lubricants (evaluation process according to EU REACH directives on chemicals hazards and CLP regulation on product labeling),
  • bitumens and bitumen products,
  • marine fuel. 

Clients are satisfied with our services

Customers’ opinions about our business, the products and the services we offer are a very valuable source of information for us, allowing us to constantly raise our standards of operation and meet such expectations in a better way.

We regularly examine the opinions and expectations of our clients and draw conclusions from them. In July 2017, we conducted a research on the customers of LOTOS Oil and Distributor clients (authorized clients of Distributors and Branch Distributors, Direct Clients and Distributor Clients (DPS)). We assessed aspects such as cooperation with LOTOS Oil or the Distributor, competitive advantage, sales representatives’ activities, products, marketing, assets. We also encouraged to express comments and opinions.

The results of the research show the level of customer satisfaction and that the loyalty compared to the previous year has increased. In the survey carried out a year before, 56% of clients evaluated our cooperation well and very well, last year it was as much as 79%. Customers perceive our company as caring about ecology, treating their clients honestly, as well as reliable and trustworthy. As the biggest advantages over our competition, the respondents pointed out our wide range of products, product quality, care of traders, a workshop program and technical consultancy. Clients are satisfied with cooperation with LOTOS sales representatives, judging them as competent, quick to act and able to advise. Our price / quality ratio was evaluated good or very good as well (83% – direct, 71% – indirect clients), as well as the availability of our products (96% – DR, 98% – DPS, 94% – direct client).

We also conducted a similar survey in 2017 among LOTOS Lab customers. It’s purpose was not only to get to know opinions about cooperation, but also about obtaining information that would help in improving the quality of services offered by the laboratory. The respondents assessed aspects such as the scope of the services offered, the ease of contact, the competencies of the staff working in the provision of the services, the time of order completion, reliability and credibility of test results, the readability of test reports and finally the price. According to the survey, the level of satisfaction of LOTOS Lab customers amounted to 91%. The highest ratings given by the respondents were the readiness of test reports and the ease of contact as well as the lowest price. Customers declare that they use LOTOS Lab mainly due to the range of services offered, professional service and short order completion time.

The opinion of our clients translates into their attitudes. According to the Polish Quality Service Program, last year, the users’ loyalty rate to the LOTOS brand of the petrol stations increased by 15.8%. We also recorded significant sales increases in many areas of our business, including sales of diesel oils and gasolines (by 19%), what equalled 31.6% share in the domestic fuel market, and 14% sales of non-fuel products and services in the retail segment.

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