Our structure
The corporate group, except Grupa LOTOS S.A., which as the Parent Company is an integrator of key management and support functions among companies of the LOTOS Group, consists of 15 direct subsidiaries and some of which have their own capital groups (indirect subsidiaries), which deal with prospecting, extraction, production as well as sales and services.
Below you can find the detailed structure of the Group regarding management segments, which selected entities are subjects of.
More about LOTOS Group organizational structure HERE
How does the Grupa LOTOS S.A. govern the corporate group
The Management Board is responsible for running the company and its representation (except for the activities that are reserved for the competences of the General Shareholders Meetings or the Supervisory Board, as well as matters that exceed the standard company management). The division of powers and responsibilities between the individual members of the Management Board is stipulated in the Organisational Regulations of the Grupa LOTOS S.A.
More about competences of individual members of the Management Board and the Rules of Procedure HERE
Composition of the Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A., as of June 30th 2018:
- Mateusz A. Bonca, President of the Board,
- Jarosław Kawula, Vice-President, Production & Sales Officer
- Patryk Demski, Vice-President, Chief Investment and Innovation Officer
- Robert Sobków, Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer.
More about the Board of LOTOS Group and its members HERE
The constant overseeing of the operations of the Grupa LOTOS S.A. rests with the Supervisory Board, which has the right to express its opinion in every matter related to the Company activities. The Supervisory Board may delegate its members to perform the indicated functions or establish committees supervising specific areas of the Group’s operations. Three committees operate permanently in the company: The Audit Committee, Strategy and Development Committee and the Organisation and Management Committee.
Composition of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. 9th term
- Beata Kozłowska-Chyła – Chairperson,
- Piotr Ciach – Deputy Chairperson,
- Katarzyna Lewandowska – Secretary,
- Agnieszka Szklarczyk-Mierzwa – Member,
- Dariusz Figura – Member,
- Mariusz Golecki – Member,
- Adam Lewandowski – Member.
More about the Supervisory Board of LOTOS Group and its members HERE
The General Meeting of Shareholders deals with matters stipulated in the Articles of Association of Grupa LOTOS S.A., presented beforehand to the Supervisory Board. All the matters related to the functioning of this body are regulated by the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of the Grupa LOTOS S.A.
More about General Meetings of Shareholders of LOTOS Group HERE