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Share capital structure

Financial data
  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014 2015  2016  2017
Shareholders (large holdings of shares)%no. of shares%no. of shares%no. of shares%no. of shares%no. of shares%no. of shares%%Shareholders (large holdings of shares)%Shareholders (large holdings of shares)%
Nafta Polska51,959 025 000------------State Treasury53,2State Treasury53,2
State Treasury6,97 878 03064,083 076 39253,269 076 39253,269 076 39253,269 076 39253,269 076 39253,253,2NN OFE5Others46,8
NN OFE--5,06 524 4795,06 524 4795,36 893 0798,6(1)5,7PZU OFE5Total100,0
Others41,246 796 97031,040 272 49141,854 272 49146,860 796 97046,860 796 97041,553 903 89138,241,1Others36,8
Total100,0113 700 000100,0129 873 362100,0129 873 362100,0129 873 362100,0129 873 362100,0129 873 362100,0100,0Total100,0
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